Well my son has lost a month so it seems....but so have I. Time really flys when you are having fun apparently. I'm glad to see that he is keeping busy enough to not think about time.
Dear Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Family, Friends, and everyone else.
Well. Tomorrow is Febuary. Which makes me wonder where January went. If that makes sense to anyone. It Doesn`t really make sense to me.
This week has been a pretty good week. Nothing special happened at all really. Just the regular out and Dendoing. Tuesday through Sunday. Walking around out in the cold, searching for people to teach, visiting less active members and riding our bikes up and down the streets. Most of my greatest experiences though this week have been in the apartment, studying the scriptures and refocusing on building my faith and strengthing myself.
Let`s see.... Tuesday we had Eikaiwa, which went splendidly. Had a new girl show up, speaks pretty good english and we had lots of fun. I gave a Good News message at the end of Eikaiwa(English Class) like usual. It ended up being about how faith gives us hope for a better world (Ether 12:4) and used the old saying "Look for the silver lining." It was an amazing Good news according to everyone else. The funny part was, that the new girl felt the spirit as I spoke, but did not understand what I was saying because I had slipped into English. After class she came up to me and was trying to find out what I had said, but by that time I had forgotton the exact words, or what specifically she wanted me to repeat. She was explaining herself and said that she was really impressed, and felt that what I had been saying was really good. But of course I hit myself on the forehead and was like "DOH! Shouldn`t have spoken in English or so fast."
Other than that, on Sunday we spent almost the whole day at church. Taught a 75 year old lady and all that. Was actually loads of fun, even if she did talk a lot. I got a letter from Nakanishi, he`s the same old same old, nothing much has changed at all. Still love him to death.
Elder Tateishi`s Gospel Message of the week!
"For behold, thus saith the Lord God: I will give unto the children of men line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little; and blessed are those who hearken unto my precepts, and lend an ear unto my counsel, for they shall learn wisdom..." (2 Nephi 28:30)
Our father in heaven has sent us to this earth to learn, to grow and gain expierence. For those Parents out there I give unto you a Parable, you might call it, an example.
Everyone fears the "terrible twos." The time when Toddlers begin to try to be independant. When they are stubborn and want to do things all on their own, they get upset and frustrated when they can`t do it, but they get even madder when you step in and try to help them. Let me also pull out what I call the "terrible teens" when we, yes I am included, are grown up and decide not to listen to our parents for various reasons. Sometimes we just think that our parents are being restrictive, or that we just plain think that we know better because our Parents our ancient and outdated from the time of the dinosaurs (No offense meant to those of older generations, Love you all!).
Well, if all goes well, usually that "know it all" Teenager ends up realizing how much of an idiot he really is and starts listening to his parents, who have experienced a lot more things than we ever have and know a lot more than we know. So where am I going with this. GOD IS THE SAME WAY!! I would have to say that each of us has a little bit of that rebellious teenager in them. Sometimes we do it unconsciously, sometimes consciously, but we always do ignore a little bit of what our Father in Heaven has told us. You see, our Father in Heaven has experienced exactly what we have experienced. He knows what`s good, what`s right, and what will keep us from falling into too many ditches.
All of us are as little children, as teenagers, we do not know exactly where we need to go, and we are far from perfect, many times we just want to go our own way, go solo you might say. But if we do we`ll just keep falling into more and more ditches. But as we listen to our Father in Heaven, he will guide, step by step, and he will teach us line upon line, here a little and there a little. If we are receptive, he`ll teach us more, if we aren`t he`ll let us go, because he knows that we have our agency to choose. He`s not going to stop us from making the wrong choices, but he does warn us of the consequences and gives us stern lectures when we do the wrong things.
So, first I say to you teenagers and young`ns, Me included. Listen to your parents, your leaders, your elders. They are probably a lot smarter and wiser than you! Second, to everyone, including you parents and grandparents, listen to YOUR Father, your God, He is infinitely smarter and wiser than you and knows exactly what`s right for you.
I love you all, and I say unto all of you that God loves you more than I do. I echo the words of God: "Look unto me in every thought, Doubt not, Fear not!" He is my anchor and my guide. I`ll be honest and tell you I am far from the most perfect person on this planet, but I`m taking it step by step up the stairway to heaven. Believe these things, and know that I know these things. In Christ`s name. Amen.
Elder Randall KK Tateishi
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