Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Shield of Stone...

So I am having difficulty with the Title for this weeks blog. I started out with "One Month and counting..." then changed it to "Baptism number Ichi (1)", then went with "Lost in Japan" and decided to settle finally on "Shield of Stone" As you read in the letter you will see why i chose that title...

I can't believe that Randy has been in Japan a whole month. Every letter gets more and more exciting. Especially now that he has had his first baptism. The marvel of the Gospel and the love of the Japanese people.

Randy had some good fun with companion exchanges this last week with having a companion that speaks no English and Randy still working on his Japanese. He said it was quite fun even getting lost at one point. He even is talking more and that is unusual since he normally is a quiet kind of kid.

The thing in enjoyed most about this letter what his play on our last name and how he is honoring it. He is a Shield of Stone protecting the Gospel and preaching the Gospel ready to fight the adversary. An immovable Stone Dragon.

Read on and you will learn:

Dear Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Mentors, and Those others that read this, Them other Missionary Mothers

Well I`ll start out by saying, I have only 50 min. to write this, so forgive any horrible misspellings or grammar errors because I`m typing as fast as I can to get this done in time. We`re heading off to Osaka today to go to Costco and get some food and other such American goodies today. Which means we have to leave soon and it limits my time in writing.

First things first, The Good news. Baptism count: 1!!!!!!!! Sunday April 25th I saw my first Baptism. It was a wonderful experience. Masaya was so excited and so enthusiastic about it. The spirit was strong as he was baptized and then confirmed afterwards. It was such an honor to participate in those wonderful Ordinances and it just reminds me of how true this work is and even more it reminds me of WHY I am here.

Life is great in Fushimi Japan. The work keeps moving, the lord keeps giving. I had my second Companionship Exchange this week with Joyo, The area just south of us. Except I stayed in Fushimi, became proxy Senior Companion, Had Elder Suzuki who speaks 0 english as my companion, in an area that I still wasn`t quite familiar with. The end result? Well let`s just say I learned A LOT! I only got lost once and then quickly found out where I was again. We didn`t find any new investigators but I did talk quite a bit more than usual. I led the way, and stopped quite a few people and began the conversations. Mostly ended up being. "HEY!!! I`M AMERICAN!! Came here 3 weeks ago and am learning Japanese..... Truth is... I don`t speak Japanese... Suzuki Choro... Taskete kudasai!(Help please!" Lol. But it was loads of fun. Amazing what Happens when you step out of the Boat and open your mouth.

By The way the quote from last week "Let`s walk on water" translated into Japanese is "Mizu no ue de arukimasho" I can write that in Kanji actually, to my own useless amazement, but I can`t quite write on a computer screen very well, maybe this`ll go through 水の上で歩きましょ

Anyway The teaching is going along just fine and the finding is going along well also. I`m absolutely loving it here and I`m having loads of fun.

By the way! The Reynolds Family from my Parent`s ward win a prize! They were the first ones to send me a letter while I`ve been in Japan! I don`t know what the prize is, but it`ll be something. I`m writing them today so they`ll hear from me in a week. Also Ian James wrote me, and as typical he used his vast store of English Knowledge to make me laugh so hard I could hardly breath. You`d have to read is extremely good and well..... Classical style English to even begin to comprehend. Anyway He used a word which I have never heard before: Phantasmagoria... yes that`s how he writes, using big words that little kids like me don`t understand.

As for words, I`d like to a quick word play on my last Name.




so here are 2 extra meanings to the name Tateishi

Standing Stone is the original, according the Kanji, but it could be

Shield of Stone
Stone Dragon

So what do I do about it, I honor the name! I am a Shield of Stone, Let the fiery Darts strike against me, but they are of no use! Let People try and tear down what I belief but as a Shield of Stone I Stand in the way! Defending with my very self what I belief! I am immovable like a Stone Dragon, and I fight like a Stone Dragon too! That was all just random fun xD.

Onto This weeks "Elder Tateishi`s Gospel Moment":


Yes strange thing to choose. But I`ve been thinking about it quite a bit lately. Mainly because I know from my own experience the deadly trap of Apathy. Let us first ask ourselves, What is Apathy? Well Apathy is a lack of emotions, an emotion in which you do not have any emotions. Which is why Apathy is so very dangerous. Let me expound:

A long long time ago, in a letter my father wrote to me as part of a youth activity, I was warned about Apathy. I cannot remember the specific details but I do remember something along the lines of this: "What is the opposite of Love? It`s not hate, it`s Apathy."

But why is it Apathy and not hate. Love is a strong emotion, you care for the person you love. Hate is also a strong emotion, you care about the person you hate, just in a negative way. But Apathy, you don`t care at all. That`s the trap I fell in for a while. Apathy. Example: During school I progressed fairly quickly, I graduated college at the same time as I graduated High School. But the problem was, to me it was all empty. It was just another motion, something that was apart of life, it didn`t REALLY matter to me, it was just something else that I did because well, it had to be done. I didn`t CARE. As it was shown in my grades, especially my senior year, I only had 1 A, while the rest were really around C`s. In the end I came out fairly well, but I had lost a lot of opportunities. If I had actually cared, and actually tried I`d probably be twice as smart as I am now, and have a future filled with a lot more opportunities than just going to an out of the way Community College in the middle of nowhere known as St. George (of course I do love St. George).

I will tell you now, after I have changed and corrected myself and now actually have a purpose, have something to strive for and to move towards that the absolute worst feeling in the world, even beyond anger, or sadness is Nothing. When I feel nothing it scares me far more than anything else in the World. I have a mind that likes to think, it likes to think a lot, and when There is no emotion, no feeling, just Cold Analytical, logical thinking that takes place it is quite scary. When that happens, when I don`t feel, I usually dwell upon the thought of, "What am I supposed to be feeling?" I often recall Christ upon the Cross in his last moments as he said "My God, My God, Why Hast thou Forsaken me." Because it is at those moments when I know, without a doubt that I do not have the spirit with me. And as a missionary, the one thing you need the most is the Spirit. Luckily though, it serves as a sort of chastisement that forces me back onto the straight and narrow path.

Now the other thing with Apathy, in a slightly more Temporal Matter. When you are apathetic you are content. You don`t care that you aren`t progressing, you don`t care that nothing is going on. It`s simply I`m fine where I am at right now. I can tell you now that that is not a good thing. When you aren`t progressing you are digressing, you are falling backwards ever so slowly, you are making bad habits. I simply say this: "Don`t be happy with where you are, be happy with where you are going." Now don`t take it as if I`m saying, don`t be happy at all with what you have, Be happy, but be even more happy with the knowledge that what you are doing will make you even better later. Progression is the key to true happiness. Because you can always look back and say "Wow, I thought I had it good back then but now... It`s even better."

I`ll by quoting Christ: "Be ye therefore Perfect."

In order to return to our Father in Heaven, we must be perfect. There is no possible way that we can become perfect, not on our own. It is only through The Atonement of Christ that we can become perfect, as all of us our human beings, all of us make mistakes (Me more than most I would say). But Christ`s Atonement has changed that, he can repair our mistakes, heal our wounds and lift us up to high places. "It is by Grace that ye are saved, after all that you can do." The keywords though are "After all that you can do." Strive always to do your best, push yourselves a little harder, and in the end the Grace of God will lift you up. As one of our themes in our district, every night we look back on what we`ve done and ask ourselves "Have I given it my all?" I can tell you the best days are the ones when I can answer that question, with firmness of heart and say "Yes, I gave it my all!"

"O thou good and faithful servant, thou hast been faithful over a few things, and so I will make thee ruler over many." I bear you my testimony that this is true. That as we always strive to do our best, God will lift us higher, we can attain heights we never thought were possible. Have faith and you can Walk on Water! I love you all and end in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

With much love to all
Elder Randall KK Tateishi

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Poem...

I am forever amazed at what a Mission can do for a Young Man. Randy has grown so much. I am so Proud of him. His ability to learn from experiences are one to be commended. He is still loving Japan and all it offers to him. The silliness as well as the serious. Apparently, Randy is rude (you have to read to find out), but I'm not sure I would be able to do what he has to do...LOL....

He has shown me a side of him that is so loving and friendly and adaptable that I can't help wonder how he turned out so well. He has this wonderful serene grasp of the truthfulness of the Gospel and I wish I had that as well. I can see the closeness he has with the Spirit of the Lord and all I can say is WOW!

Well, friends and family, read on and you will see what I mean....

Dear Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, Mentors and probably the whole rest of the world knowing mother,

Life is great in Fushimi Japan. The sun is bright, the skies are clear, the work is strong and God is smiling. I look out the window and I see a world full of people waiting to hear the Gospel.

This week has been an interesting week, filled with ups and downs but over all it was great. We had Mensetsu`s this week (Interviews with McIntyre Kaicho(President McIntyre). Interesting when your mind starts using foreign words all the time instead of English words. I just say them to much. Twas a quick little interview and we didn`t say much. He just told me that the best to start talking to someone is to say "Hello! How are you?" Something I need to learn how to do. Seems like I cursed myself with all my hibernation and reclusiveness.

Anyway, I had my first Kokan also this week. Kokan meaning Companionship Exchange. I went to Katsura with one of the Zone Leaders, Elder Kanno, a native from Tokyo. We had lots of fun and talked to quite a few people, since all we did was Dendo, or street contacting. We even talked with an older man out walking his dog. It was quite hilarious actually. We introduced ourselves as missionaries, shared a little bit about what we did and also talked about the importance of family. Afterwards he was like "O you are really nice boys, here take this ¥5000, $50." We practically had to run away in order to refuse it. He kept on trying to stick it into our hands and we kept on saying. "No No! We`re fine, we don`t need any money." It was quite funny and we laughed about it for quite some time.

Thursday was awesome. It rained really hard, I didn`t have my rainsuit on (which is what I bought last P-Day) and we were out tracting on the way back from our Kokan. I was out in the cold rain for about an hour and a half, freezing cold but as happy as could be. I kept in my head the hymn "There is sunshine in my soul today." I love the hymns

Friday ended up being a pretty bad day for me. We went to an Inactive`s house and ate lunch with them. Apparently I was being rude when I became stuffed and couldn`t eat anymore when they offered me more food. Apparently we need to eat all the food that they cook, and a lot of it. Well that wasn`t what made the day bad, I just got into a bad train of thought and was basically beating myself up. I was trying to find out what I was doing wrong that made me feel like I wasn`t doing good enough. I spent the day sulking in a bad mood and trying to get my thoughts back on track. I thought that it was ironic that on the rainy day I was joyful and cheerful and on the sunny day I was moody and sad.

Saturday ended up being so much better. After an excellent study and pondering on the scriptures I had read from the New Testament in Matthew, I decided to pray. It`s amazing what happens in an instant from a simple prayer. I looked up from my prayer and saw the bright blue sky and hanging on the wall beside the window was a picture of Christ. In that instant, all of my worries washed away and I felt so much better, so much more at peace.

Well excluding our Yakusokusha(Investigator with a Baptismal Date) we have 3 progressing investigators, one of which is Chinese and we meet him tonight. His name is En Cho and he seems really interested in what we are teaching. We followed up on our commitment for him to read from the BoM, and he said he did, he thought it was good but it was hard to understand, but with some more time he thought he could understand it better. By the way, he speaks Japanese, mostly.

We have about another half dozen or so other investigators who we teach and last night was awesome also. We met an old guy a while ago who came up to us and was like "Your Mormons right?" he ended up giving us his business card and talked for a while. We called him last night and he was like "Yea I came to your church today but no one was there. It was at 9." Church starts at 12. He asked to meet with us and so we will. Amazing how the lord puts people in your path.

Alright, I hope you liked last weeks "Elder Tateishi`s Gospel Moments." If you don`t like them, well sorry.

This weeks "Elder Tateishi`s Gospel Moment" is:

"Let`s `walk on water`"

We had an awesome companionship study on Saturday. After I finished my reading in the New Testament for personal study and then began Companionship study we started finishing up our weekly planning. Elder Mclaws asked me "So what are some things you`re going to work on this week." I thought for a moment about what it was I needed to work on and thought about the scriptures I had been reading recently. "Well I want to think of the theme: "Fear Not" because that`s what Christ kept telling his Disciples." I flipped through the New Testament to Matthew and read Chapter 14 versus 26-32 about Peter walking on water with Christ.]

26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear.
27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water.
29 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
32 And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased.

We read the scripture together and I looked at it and said: "Let`s grow in faith and doubt not. For it was Doubt and Fear that Caused Peter to sink." My Companion paused, looked at me and asked. "But what did Peter DO?" I paused and replied dumbly "He DID." He corrected me and said "He walked on Water."

That became our them immediately. "Let`s `walk on water.`" Now what is the meaning behind this.

Pretend like you are one of the Disciples upon the ship on the sea. The waves are all around you. As it says just a few versus before "But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary." It was rough seas and they were probably on a small wooden boat. Plus it was the Fourth Watch of the Night, meaning early morning, as the Cross Reference says between 3 and 6 in the morning. You are Tired, cold, probably soaking wet and exhausted from working on the boat. Then out in the darkness you see a figure walking on the water towards you. I`d sure be afraid. Some Ghost is coming towards me. But think of what Peter did, after Christ spoke, still probably fairly far of from the ship, Peter said "If it be Thou, bid me come to thee." "If It`s really you, I`ll go to you if you want." Christ replied simply "come".

This is what amazes me. Peter, probably tired, cold, and exhausted, in the safety of a boat in the tossing seas of a storm Did as Christ commanded. He stepped out of the boat and walked upon the Water. HE DID IT! He did what no other man had done before, done something that was seemingly impossible, yet here he was walking upon the water towards Christ. That`s what we mean when we say "Let`s walk on Water." Let`s do things that are impossible. Christ bids to all of us "come unto me." Yet he is out there upon the boisterous seas, the waves large the wind heavy, and the boat is drifting away from him. We take that step out of the boat, and we walk on water.

Now Peter afterwards began to fear, he doubted and then began to sink. But what did he do as soon as he started sinking. He cried out saying "Lord, Save me!" "And IMMEDIATELY Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" Everyone of us at times will doubt, everyone of us has fears that get caught in our hearts. But we can Cry unto Christ, our savior and lord and he will "stretch forth his hand, and catch us." I know he`s caught me more times than I can count. So I say unto you all: "Be of good cheer; it is I(Christ); be not afraid." Be not Afraid my family and friends. Take that step out of the safety of your boat, go forth boldly and do as Christ would do. Be not ashamed of the Gospel, do not be afraid to go out and teach it.
"10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
13 For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. "

Isaiah 41: 10, 13

I end now this segment of my email, saying my testimony. Fear not my friends, my family. God is with thee. When you are struck down in the most bitter of despair, call out to that Father in Heaven. He will answer, he will hear. He is with Thee. Many times I have been caught in despair, bitter and afraid, but here is a short poem I have written about my experiences.

"A Quiet Prayer"

My Heart was frozen
My Eyes were shut
My Ears were Deaf
My Mind was Numb
My Senses Dulled

"O Lord, My God!"
I am lost to Hell
My Soul is Dark
My Heart is Bound
My Mind is Blank
I`m all alone
In Hell am Chained

I Cried These Words
In Silent Prayer
"O Lord, My God!"
"Where hast thou Gone?"

Then Like a Dove
Descended Peace
My Heart Was Freed
My Ears did Hear
My Mind went Racing
My Senses Cleared
My Eyes Were Opened

I Looked to Heaven
With Teary Eyes
I saw the Purest Skies
The shone Bright
The Birds did sing
My Heart did Rise
My soul was lit

Peace did find
Love did Enter
"O Lord, My God!"
You Heard My Prayer

I bear witness to you that God Lives. That Christ Lives. That he hears our prayers. I know this is true. I end in the name of our savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ. Amen.

I would like to write more, but Time is short. I will for now withold the rest of what I was going to say.

Fare thee well good Friends!

Your friend, brother, and son
Elder Randall K.K. Tateishi

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wild happenings on the Tateishi Front....

So, I received an email this evening from Randy, (Sunday evening, which by the way is his Monday). He reports that everything is great, which I am very happy to see. I am so proud of Randy. He seems to have grown up so much. His attitude and learnings amaze me. I posted an email to him with 8 questions, to which he answered all of them. They are all pretty much self explanatory except for #5, which sadly enough I can't remember what I asked him, but he did answer positively "I will".

I think one of the most amazing things I learned about Randy through this letter is that he actually listened to me. I can be pretty forward with speaking with my children and sometimes (mostly all the time) they are "mother deaf", but Randy apparently actually took to heart what I was talking to him about. According to the words of my granddaughter Hannah "It makes my heart feel special" to know that he is learning. What a great role model he is for his Brothers and Sister and to me as well.

I hope you enjoy his letter as much as I did....

He is only allowed to email immediate family so if you want to write to Randy here is his address.

Elder Randall K. K. Tateishi
4-6-28 Shinohara Honmachi, Nada-ku
Kobe-shi, Hyogo-ken Japan 657-0067
Japan Kobe Mission

Dear Mother, Father, Brothers, Sisters, Friends, and everyone else who just happens to read this

First I`ll start with the good news. Our investigater Masay Inoshikoishi will be baptized on April 25th! Through much prayer, fasting, and faith he was able to obtain permission from his father to be baptized. It is so wonderful to see his excitement and see his testimony grow as he prepares to join into this church. He is such a strong young man and he will be blessed for his decision.

whoa mother slow down on the questions there!

1. I recieve $300 a month and it is adequate enough for me, just keep me updated on how much I have on my debit card and on my credit card ok.

2. The Foods good, I started a new policy. "Just eat it, if it`s against the Word of Wisdom my senior companion will tell me, if he doesn`t, God will forgive me for not knowing." I am eating my vegetables also mother, so don`t worry about that.

3. Yes I love my Companion, he is an excellent trainer and a man of great faith.

4. The language was hard at first, but I am starting to be able to understand more and more, I am speaking more and more. It`s slow but it`s coming thanks to the Lords help.

5. I will

6. Yes, but use regular mail, no UPS or FedEx

7. I survived riding up a mountain, I`m good.

8. I see miracles everyday, it`s cool enough for me.

ok about my days here in Fushimi Japan.

Life is good here in Japan, I spend most of the days riding around on a bicycle from place to place, talking to random people on the street, but most of the time hurrying off to a lesson so we can teach people. The contacting is the difficult part, most of the time my companion Elder Mclaws does most of the talking because I Don`t understand what`s going on or what`s being said, plus I`m usually scared out of my wits when trying to talk to a random stranger on a train. It was fun though because I initiated my first contact the other day on the way home from General Conference. There was a younger man standing alone on the train and my trainer said "All yours." I froze immediately, unable to say a word, or to speak to the man. But I sang a hymn in my mind. "Be still my Soul." Suddenly I took courage and initiated a conversation. I got a little ways into it talking about school and small talk, then my trainer took over because he knew more of what to say. It didn`t end in new investigator but it was one small step for me in growing up and becoming a better missionary. It was an excellent experience.

We usually run around trying to teach different people. Currently we have 3 progressing investigators one of which is Masaya who will get baptized on the 25th. The other is an old man 61 years old and working at an elementary school. He is so awesome and has faith, but he wants to move slowly because it is such a huge change for him. We also have Kenji, who we met on my second day in the field. He is a talker, and likes to talk a lot. He came to General Conference and felt the spirit. He feels that what we are doing and teaching is a good thing but he just doesn`t understand all the concepts, we`re trying to simplify and explain the doctrines more clearer but it is hard for me because I don`t speak Japanese very well.

Anyway life is amazing here and I love it, time flies to fast though, it feels like yesterday that I landed in Itami Airport exhausted and tired from a long flight. But now the work moves forward and I am growing and learning so much while I am here, I hope I can take to heart the words of Elder Holland when he spoke at our orientation about missionary work. "I will Never, Ever, be the same."

Alright it`s time for Elder Tateishi`s Spiritual message of the week! The topic today is actually 3 things. "Have No Regrets" "The Fool, the Good man, the Wise man, the Wisest Man" and "Build up Those around you"

Now these topics came to me from our Zone Conference we had last week with President McIntyre, the topic then was setting a mission statement about your goals for your mission and for your life. These are some of the thigns I came up for my mission statement

"Have No Regrets"

This comes from a fond memory from only about a month before my mission, if that. You probably remember me as the lazy kid that sat and did nothing all day, well that`s what I did then. One day mum came up to me and asked me "What are you doing to prepare Randy? I don`t see you doing anything, not reading your scriptures, or praying, nothing! You do this all the time and then you always look back and regret it." It sparked a thought in me then, just a small one, a feeling that I really needed to change what I was doing, it was slow at first but in the MTC it took off. Now the last thing she said stroke me "You always look back and regret it." She was right (mothers usually are). So I took that as my motto. "Live a life in which you will have no regrets" now that doesn`t mean "O I failed, o well I won`t regret it, or worry about it." No it means live in a way that you won`t be able to regret anything you`ve done. I`ll admit this, for over 7 years of my life I have regrets for things I did and even more so for things I DIDN`T do. That`s changed now, in the past 3 months I regret nothing. I`ve worked my hardest, I`ve done my best, that`s all I can do and that`s all I will do. So I say to you "Have No Regrets."

How do you do this? Well here is one saying that I have thought of lately to help and brings me to point 2 in my little message of the week.

"The fool is he that never learns, The good man learns from his own mistakes, The Wise man learns from the mistakes of others, The Wisest man learns from the SUCCESS and STRENGTH of others."

I have seen that when you don`t learn from anything you go nowhere, you don`t progress and in the end you flounder in misery and sorrow. I won`t dwell here any longer.

The Good man learns from his mistakes, he trips, he falls and then picks himself up and keeps going, avoiding the same mistakes he has made in the past. Most people are like this, learning and growing from their own experiences. But this is a dangerous way to go, for it requires falling a lot, and you end up getting scraped, bruised, beaten and battered by the many falls you encounter, and one fall may end up being your last.

The Wise man learns from the mistakes of others. This is a good way to learn, by watching and observing and seeing how others have fallen and learning to avoid the same mistakes that they have experienced. This was how I was for the most part, simply not doing what I had seen others do that caused hurt and pain. It`s a good way to learn but not the best.

The Wisest man learns from the SUCCESS and STRENGTHS of others.This does 2 things for a person. 1 it teaches a person how to Succeed and to be Strong instead of just not Failing or falling. 2 it teaches a person how to find the strengths of others and few the world in a postive way. When we see the success and strengths of others we see the good in each person, we can learn from everyone and find out the best way to progress. I say look at everyone around you, don`t look at their weaknesses, don`t look at their faults, but look at them and ask "What is some good thing this person does?" It may be small, it may not be much at all, but when you look ad find that something you will learn that you can love more people.

Lastly and not the least of all, and a motto I take upon myself

"Build those around you." A while ago I remember mom saying: "We raised you to be better than we were." That`s what I take to heart. In everything I do I try to think of a way that I can help someone else. When in the MTC I looked at the newest batch of Missionaries that were going to Japan and said: "How can I help them be better than I am?" It is a very simple thing, and although it might seem like putting yourself down it really isn`t. It inspires you to work harder and to set a better example. When we take upon ourselves this motto we see progression not just in ourselves but in the world around us. If we want the world to be better, if we want this church to be better than I say: "Let those that come after us be better than us!" It is a challange I issue to those that come next. "I Do what I can now. Now it is your turn to pick up where I left off." We build others by being an example to them, by lifting them up in word and in deed. I look now at Mother and Father and say with great Love "How much you have taught me, how well you have raised me." They placed my feet upon the staircase at a point almost as high as they were and said to me "It`s your turn to keep on going."

My mind goes to a quote from an old Movie

"This is what you`ve been trained to do, Now make us Proud." -Top Gun

What better way to make our parent`s proud than exceeding their expectations and soaring to heights that they couldn`t reach, for it is then that they can say "That is my son, How great is he." or "That is my daughter, how wonderful is she."

Take that step, follow the examples of those before us, aim for heights that they never achieved and in the end we honor them.

I`d like to say simply. "Mother, Father, I love you so dearly, you have taught me well and I will do my best to exceed your expectations for me."

With much love to all

Elder Randall K.K. Tateishi

P.S. I apologize if that was a little in excess, but it was just what came to mind at the time I wrote it. I`m trying now to follow what my heart tells me to do, because as you asked me once not long ago mother: "Where did that sweet boy, full of emotions go to?" I`m trying to find that again.

Slackers anonymous

So I have slacked last week...Here is last Mondays' Letter from Randy...We were able to speak with him when he was in the Salt Lake City Airport and then in the San Francisco Airport...

Dear Family, Friends, Mother, Father, and every other random person who reads this!!



It`s entirely different here in Japan, than it is in the U.S. The streets are incredibly narrow, a one way street in Utah is a two way street here. It`s kind of scary sometimes riding a bike here, I actually brushed against someone on a moped who was going at least 30 mph, niether of us got knocked off but it was pretty scary for me. I`m constantly about 4 inches away from cars on one side and 3 inches away from buildings on the other side. But I`m loving it here in Japan. Even if the culture is so different. They have their faults, but they are the nicest people I`ve ever met. When you ask for directions they will even walk you to where you need to go.

The MTC flew by like a dream and even now time is flying and everything feels so surreal. Life is so different here than it is at home. It is a huge culture shock. Especially since the language is so hard. I stand by and listen to my companion talk with not a clue of what is going. I sat in church on sunday and had no idea what was going on. I have a lot I need to learn before I can really start teaching these people. But I am so excited to be here.

I have no idea where to even start. I actually began proselyting with my new companion on thursday, and we spend most of that time traveling to our new area. While we were on the train we talked with someone from Osaka and even got his number and information to contact him. We had an appointment that night also to go and teach an investigator, but the investigator didn`t show up, so instead we went street contacting and met a man named tsubasa, and we get to try and teach him tonight. Well currently we have 2 progressing investigators, maybe 3. Masaya, Yamashita, and Kenji(who we met while we were heading back to the apartment after getting my bike). Masaya is awesome, he already has a testimony and wants to be baptized (of course I had little to do with the process for it all happened before I got here) but he is under 20 which is the age of consent in Japan and his Parent`s want him to wait until he`s 20 to get baptized. We`re trying to find out a way to help him get baptized sooner and hopefully we can convince his parents to let him. Yamashita is a 61 year old man that teaches elementary school, he`s very busy teaching but is interested in what we are teaching. He has a testimony of the restoration but he doesn`t want to be rushed into being baptism. Kenji we have only taught once and plan to teach him again on wednesday. He seems interested and likes to talk a lot and asks questions, but he seems to have his own opinion on everything. By the way I only know this because my companion told me. I mainly sit silently and listen during the lessons, trying to find an opportunity to open my mouth and say something. But everyone talks soooooooo fast. I thought spanish speakers spoke fast, they have NOTHING on Japanese speakers.

Anyway I bought my bike it was ¥40,000 or about $400. Used the Credit card, so you should already know about it. I almost used the wrong card, it was kind of funny. Also I can only email family, not anyone else sadly. Wish I could, but I guess everyone else will have to wait a week to get mail from me, and a week for mail to get to me. Well I don`t have much else to say. Love you all, stay safe, read the scriptures often, and pray lots.

Tateishi Choro

P.S. 私は伏見に住んでいます。まだ、私の最初の同僚はマクラズ長老です。

P.S.S. teehee. I`m in Fushimi and my first companion is Elder Mclaws from Spokane Washington. Thought I forgot didn`t you!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Randy emailed me (Misty) and this is the silliness that he sent!

Misty Shipley

   Still feels odd to call you Misty Shipley. 愛しています!! Mwahahahahahaha!! I can type Kanji on this leet Japanese Keyboard and you`ll never understand me!! 日本語はとても難しいですね!そして、私はたくさん日本語を学んだなかれ場なりません。でも、イエス・キりストによって私は日本語を学ぶ事ができます。

MWAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! that was to much fun. Argh!! the stupid key that changes roomaji into Nihongo is right next to the space bar so it`s really annoying, cause the space bar is as small as my thumb! Plus the apostraphe key is in a different place, and shift keyed. I have no idea where the quote markers are. Anyway Sounds like you`re having loads of fun. Tell everyone on DL I said hi. I can`t email non-family members like I thought I was going to be able to though :( 鯖しい。 I forget the japanese don`t put spaces inbetween words. it`s quite annoying. Anyway. Love ya.

Randall Kahiwa Kenji Tateishi Choro